The latest three blogs KDAB Blogs Archives: What’s the Right OS for Your Embedded Device? Nibble Stew: Compiler daemon thought experiment from Brain debugging. Interview with Anders Schau Knatten, author of "C++ Brain Teasers: Exercise Your Mind" More C++ blog posts ...
The latest three videos Mike Shah: [DLang Episode 119] D Language - Classes - part 11 of N - Member Function Attributes (const, etc) CppNuts: Multithreading Race Condition In Short SwedenCpp: Sebastian Theophil: Passive ARM Assembly Skills for Debugging, Optimization (and Hacking) More C++ videos ...
Göteborg, Sweden Coding Dojo with GbgCpp 2024-12-09, 18:00 Zenseact, Lindholmspiren 2, 41756, More information...